Joy to the food

Easy Salmon Patties Recipe

about this recipe

These salmon patties with cornmeal are a super quick and delicious dinner. Made with simple ingredients and ready in 15 minutes, everyone will love them!

why you'll love it

Simple Ingredients Flavor Packed 15 min Meal


Servings: 2

total Time: 15 min


- Canned Salmon - Greek Yogurt - Cornmeal - Egg - Dijon Mustard - Lemon Juice - Garlic powder, onion powder, cayenne, salt, and pepper

Add everything to a large bowl and mix well. Mix with a fork and slightly mash the salmon for a better texture.

Step 1

Shape the patties into 6 evenly sized burgers that are 1/2" in thickness. Cook a few at a time in oil or butter.

Step 2

Cook on each side for 3-4 minutes until golden brown. Make sure there is space around the patties for an even crisp exterior.

Step 3

Repeat the pan frying until all the patties are cooked. When you're done you will have 6 tasty salmon patties to enjoy!

Step 4

- Chopped on a salad - With a cream sauce - On a burger bun - With rice and vegetables - In a protein bowl

Ways to serve

To view the full Salmon Patties With Cornmeal recipe, tricks, and tips, visit Joy to the Food by clicking on the link below!


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