Joy to the food

How to Cook the Perfect Gnocchi

about cooking gnocchi

Cooking gnocchi might sound complicated, but it's actually one of the easiest pasta to cook! Because it’s not really pasta, it’s a dumpling!

common Ways to cook gnocchi

Boiling Oven baking Pan Frying


Boil in salt water for 3 - 5 minutes. The gnocchi will be done when it floats to the top. Strain and enjoy!

boiling gnocchi

Bake in your favorite sauce in the oven at 375 for 40 minutes. The gnocchi should be tender when touched with a fork.

Baking Gnocchi

Pan frying gnocchi is great for cauliflower gnocchi. Simply fry with olive oil for 5 minutes until golden brown on both sides.

pan fried gnocchi

To view the full How to Cook Gnocchi guide, tricks, and tips, visit Joy to the Food by clicking on the link below!


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